Reader Reviews for Climaturity

"Interesting discussion of climate change and use of common sense strategies. I particularly enjoyed Chapter 9 (A Path Forward) for options to really make a change." - LibraryThing

"Not too science focused so it's easy to understand. Includes a poem he wrote and a Q&A." - bookishreputation, LibraryThing

"It is refreshing to read a book that discusses changes in the climate without quoting as gospel the works of Al Gore and other climate experts. Marc Cortez brings the good the with bad and explains the muddle mess that is climate science and reporting. He supports the idea of climate change and feels that humans play a factor in it while he explains the hyperbole extolled by such luminaries as Greta Thunberg. He also amply demonstrates the fallacies put forth by those whose goals are not necessarily for the good of the planet and mankind, such as explaining what that vaunted 97% really represents and how the various agencies get their numbers and proposals. He shows how they use selective data to arrive at their conclusions, while not using the same data types in the same reports to get the effect they apparently desire." - Slipdigit, LibraryThing

"Marc Cortez speaks from the experience of 20+ years working in the solar energy industry, lots of research into climate science and alternate energy sources (documented here via lots of endnotes), and the doomsday despondency he's heard from his kids and students. Agree with his analysis or not, his primary point—we need less fanaticism and politics, more climaturity—rings all too true." - Thogek, LibraryThing

"Cortez immediately caught my attention with his informal writing style and advocacy of a middle-ground look at the issue of climate change were promising." - LibraryThing